Sunday, November 20, 2005

Worthwhile Subjects

I can't help but think of what we actually will remember from the stuff we studied in Third Year! ... For starters, the obvious DBMS, SE, LDST and MP. We've been studying this since FE and have a significant understanding of them now but what of the rest? ... Any subject that we end up rattafying is not ok! ... EMF, CT, LCS and CS ... which is why PS and BCE were far better since we went into the paper with the potential to sole ANY problem that could possibly have been thrown to us within the limits of the course material, no? You just couldn't say the same for the the four electrical subjects, could you? And last but not certainly the least is DE ... which is pretty interesting itself since all knowledge of circuits will be applied at runtime! ( borrowed from Ovais :P)

and Faisal, you bugger ... Don't give me "Do I only study for marks?" crap after that Munesh Chakka answer-remembering technique ... :) ... We all fall prety to the system, as stupid as it is.

Please do comment people, while I go and watch the seasons finale of LOST ...


At 2:16 PM, Blogger Whiz Kid said...

Hehe... I didn't actually do it on purpose. I got that answer and I instantly associated that M-6er with it. The mind is to be blamed... and the mind is to be blamed.


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